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Posted 28/03/2018

The EPA’s Draft Guidance on Fire Water Retention Facilities was first published in 1995. This Draft Guidance Note provided guidance to operators of industrial activities on fire water retention volume calculations and the requirements for fire water retention facilities.

Posted 23/03/2018

The Medium Combustion Plants (MCP) Directive (EU) 2015/2193 was adopted in 2015 to limit emissions to atmosphere from boilers and other stationary combustion plant in the 1-50 MW(thermal input) range. It covers all fuel types. The Directive was implemented in Irish legislation by SI 595 of 2017, European Union (Medium Combustion Plants) Regulations 2017.

Posted 20/09/2017

The EPA has issued ‘best-practice’ guidance to assist licensees with the preparation of Solvent Management Plans (SMPs). Completion of a SMP is a specific requirement in some EPA licences and includes the following:

Posted 05/09/2017

In January 2017, the European Union (EU) published the First Draft Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document in the Food, Drink and Milk (FDM) Industries.

This draft BAT Reference (BREF) document concerns activities specified in the First Schedule to the EPA Act 1992 as amended, namely:

Posted 10/07/2017


The EPA first published its Air Emissions Monitoring Guidance Note (AG2) in 2007, with the aim of improving the quality of air emissions monitoring in Ireland. AG2 was revised in 2014 to incorporate mandatory accreditation. In 2017, it is now being revised again with the aim of continuing the improvement in the quality of air monitoring and reporting.

The following documents are available to download:

Posted 23/05/2017


Posted 03/03/2017

The EPA has published its latest report on the enforcement of EPA industrial and waste licensed facilities for 2015. This report outlines the EPA’s strategy for enforcement of licenced activities, reviews the 2015 enforcement year and considers several longer term and ongoing EPA priority areas. In 2015, 777 licences were in force; of which 581 were industrial and 196 were waste.

Posted 15/02/2017

The EPA has published draft guidance in relation to the provisions of Article 15 of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) and to assist licensees seeking the application of less strict Emission Limit Values (ELVs) than those associated with Best Available Techniques (BAT).


Article 15

Posted 17/01/2017

The EPA has issued guidance in relation to the Preparation of Accident Prevention Procedures and Emergency Response Procedures. The purpose of this guidance is to set out the minimum requirements for Accident Prevention Procedures (APP), Emergency Response Procedures (ERP), as well as guidance on incident notification.